Friday, July 24, 2009

In the Lion's Den

I was reading Daniel the other day and the Lord spoke to my heart. I admire the way that Daniel lived out His faith. He was so in tune with God and he made sure that his actions and words matched his beliefs and that they were honoring to God. He lived above accusation, people had nothing they could say he was doing wrong. In fact, when two men tried to get him in trouble, the only thing they could find he was doing "wrong" was praying to God. You see, they had to pinpoint an area in his faith that he was being obedient and then trick the king into passing a law against it. This really boogles my mind!! I want to live like that...I want to keep myself pure and keep my ways and actions in tune with God. Daniel listened to God and knew God. He was devoted to God's word and devoted to communication with God. In turn the Lord made him be a great influence on those around him and continually protected him, provided for him, strengthened him, etc. It is my prayer that we strive to live the same.

I encourage you to read Daniel, especially the first half. I really learned a lot from King N. as well. We must remember that power comes from the Lord and not let pride make us think we are bigger than we are. Plus, when we hear from the Lord and know we need to change our ways...lets not hesitate and forget. We must remember that the Lord never lies...therefore we shouldn't challenge Him.

God Bless!!

Kenya Update

Hello All,
It's been a little over two weeks since I've written. As always, I've been busy especially since last week I had visitors from America. In general, the information continues to pour on how to start an children's home and I am receiving and digesting it all. No big decisions are being made yet because I need time to process and then move forward with all the tools in my belt. But even a month and a half in, I feel like I have grown in discernment and wisdom. I continue to pray that God equips a team of Kenyans to come along side me here (and in the future be a part of the staff) and that I just know that they are genuine. I also pray that I won't do anything unless I know for certain its of the Lord. However, I sense that if its from the Lord that He will do all He can to confirm it.

Right now, I am in the phase of visiting children's homes and traveling around Kenya to see where the Lord would like to set up His home. These two goals are going to be somewhat combined because upon coming here I realized that August is a better time to visit orphanages because the children are on break (even though i've already visited a good number). There is much in store for the next month and a heart is at peace and ready for what lies ahead.

Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. I know that I am being lifted up before the throne and that gives me energy for each new day. To all my supporters, my letter will be sent to you in the next couple days. I decided to do a midway letter and then a letter when I return. I hope you are having a blessed summer...sorry the weather hasn't been the best there. Love to you from me from Kenya!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Did I Jump the Gun??

Jumping the gun…this is an American saying we did something or said something before it was the right time. This phrase really is not understood in Kenya but the closest phrase I can think of here is “Haraka haraka haina baraka.” This phrase translates like this: Hurry has no blessings. So why am I sharing these phrases with you?? It is not because I am rethinking everything….I know I am called to Kenya, that the Lord is calling me to start a children’s home and extension ministries (school, clinic, etc.), that He is leading and guiding me every step, etc. But what God has been stirring in me is that I might have jumped the gun on the location of His planned ministry.

Since the time I received my calling, I always assumed that Kibera was the location. As crazy as it sounds, Kibera was a place that was comfortable to me because it is the place that I had lived during my two year stay in Kenya. However, after a trip to a town called Eburru, my mind is reeling over the notion that I might have chosen the slum because it was comfortable and not because it was Divine telling me such.

I’ve done this many times before (we all have) but a notable time about 5 years ago comes to mind. It was a time I knew I was called to missions but I choose comfortable New Zealand over something more challenging and stretching. The reason that I ended up in Kenya is that I then actually prayed about the decision extensively and that’s where my patient, loving Heavenly Father wanted to send me (and I am so glad He did). It took God transforming my plans to come in line with His. It took me deciding to take a risk and trust that the Lord would walk me through it.

So how does this all connect?? This is coming to mind now because Eburru is essentially in the bush of Kenya. Few people come out this way to help those here. I saw hunger and poverty in a much different way then I do in Kibera and my heart broke. Kibera has gotten many people’s attention and there is many NGOs reaching out to the slum. But there is more places like Eburru that have been forgotten but also have great need.

Will you join in me in praying about where God wants me to establish this home for His glory?? I am willing to recklessly abandon my prior thoughts to just be filled with His. In fact, this is what this time this summer is all about. Who knows…maybe the Lord will lead me back to Kibera but just maybe He is going to take me to a remote place to serve. Thanks for your prayer support and I will keep you up to date on where God leads my heart.