Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home Stretch

I guess I am now in the home stretch of my summer vision trip to Kenya. With less than 20 days left, I am starting to feel as if I'm not ready for this time to be over. It has been a wonderful time in the center of God's will. You know, when you are in the center of God's will...there is no safer place for one to be. Anyhow, the Lord has made me to dream bigger but focus more. I will write out the new vision or direction soon so I can share it with all. I haven't been the best blogger but I have really tried. My blogging won't stop when I get back and we will just all have to wait in anticipation to see what the Lord does next. Even if it does take me some time to report, I will report. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Areas of Need

I've felt moved recently to share with you two areas of need that I've seen here. I am hoping to be a mouthpiece for these two situations and see what the Lord might do.

  • Internally Displaced People

As a result of the post-election violence that occured the beginning of last year, there are many internally displaced people still living in IDP camps. Some of the larger camps are still receiving assistance from NGOs but there is smaller ones that are barely managing and ignored by the gov't etc. I had the privilege to visit one of these camps which caused my heart to break. These people are desperate but when you talk to many they are trusting the Lord and pressing forward. I was able to talk to one man who, even though he lost three of children and has to take care of his wife with post-traumatic stress disorder, still believes that God is faithful and good. He brought to my attention that many people in the camp don't even have bibles because most of their belongings were left or destroyed. It is my desire to be able to get bibles to hand out to these people so they can be encouraged by the word of Jesus.

  • Relatives living with AIDS

Eva, my best friend in Kenya, found out that her brother had AIDS shortly after I arrived here this time. I have seen her struggle with knowing how to get her brother the proper care and food he needs. Her family looks to her because she is very responsible and has always been there when they needed her. She has unselfishly sent most of her monthly salary to her family and therefore barely makes it by on her own. Of course my heart goes out to her because she is my dear friend and I want to help where I can. It is hard to see her going through this but she encourages me by having a positive attitude and a peaceful assurance that her savior and mine knows what He is doing.

I don't know what the Lord plans to do, but I believe He is in control. If you are touched or moved about either of these areas and want to know more, please feel free to contact me. God Bless!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Quick Note

Thanks for your prayers!! I am feeling full of joy and confident in what the Lord is doing in me and through me. Last week was rough but because of God and God's people, I am feeling refreshed and renewed. I have less than a month here but my schedule is coming together nicely and I have much to see and do yet. I hope you are blessed this day and every day!! Thanks again for thinking me and lifting me before the throne.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Steal, Kill, and Destroy

I've realized that when things are going smoothly and you are making a lot of progress, Satan gets worried. That is why this past week or so, He has really tried to discourage and frustrate me. He wants to steal my joy, kill my efforts, and destroy my progress. There is no good in him and he therefore wants to try to ruin anything that is one the path to giving God glory.

It came to head yesterday when, oddly enough, I planned a trip for the youth I've been staying with to Hell's Gate. I won't go into detail but you could tell Satan was at work to bring confusion, division, and frustration. The Lord reigns supreme and used the challenges of the day to bring us together to share at night. He also provided someone whom I could talk which was a blessing for sure. He works all things out for good.

But today I can say that I am just trusting the Lord and moving forward in joy. I am not going to let satan win. I ask that you pray for my heart and my mind, you know they can be a battlefield. I want to continue to be focus on the Lord and my purpose here. Pray that I can look to all the good He has done and put aside one day that went from bad to worse. I appreciate all your love and support and I know the Lord will do big things in the last month I am here...even bigger than He has already done.