Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Unexpected!

Thought I should bring you all up to speed on the recent happenings!! This is not an exhaustive account of the past 2 weeks but I give you the important details. A bunch can happen in a short amount of time when the Lord is moving things along. So here we go:

Two weeks ago, and for a couple months prior, Satan had my heart and soul in a bad place. I was believing lies and I was thinking about myself. I had put walls around myself and became very inward. I wanted to get out of America as fast as I could. I was busy pointing fingers at everyone else and forgot, like the old addage says, that 3 fingers were pointing back at myself.

But boy, am I glad that our God is a God of grace and restoration. He brought me to a place of realization then starting restoring my heart and relationships that had suffered. He got me in a healthy place for me to accept an open door.

I went to visit my old co-workers at a preschool and was offered two jobs in one day. In a time where many are losing jobs, it was a miracle in itself for that to happen. The one job seemed so ideal but I wanted to make sure that it was from the Lord. As I thought and prayed, I realized that taking this job in an autistic support preschool classroom would get me to Kenya faster in the long run. I was in a place where I was able to see clearly that I needed to focus on my responsibilities here and not just run away to Kenya as quick as possible. Yes, this my calling but the Lord does not be foolish about the steps i'm taking. So, I am going to walk through this door that I believed the Lord has opened. If it is not the right one, then He will close it and show me what I am to do.

Taking this job means that I will go to Kenya this summer to continue the work of the SKY Mission. While I am here the next few months, not only will I get more experience training, but I will also be able to prepare for this summer even more...making the most of my time there. I am excited!! It feels right to me.

Please pray as I am trying to contact those at the office so I can start this position as soon as possible. It is somewhat difficult to get in touch with them so I just ask that you pray for favor.

I just want to praise the God who works all things out for good and is never far away.