Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay, It is confession time. Confession #1: I believe I am the worst blogger known to man. Confession #2: Currently, I am feeling that things are very disorderly and I have a lot of catching up to do. Those two confessions really do tie together. I haven't blogged since August not because I don't have anything to say but because time gets away from me. I WILL DO BETTER! I am hoping at least once a week I can catch ya up on matters pertaining to life, Kenya, and God. Anybody out there is cyber world want to keep me accountable?? Anybody?!?!

Well, lately (meaning this week) I have been frustrated that my house, my car, my brain, my schedule, my time seems to be in a constant state of disorder. I woke up this morning and literally just sat in a stupor on my bed while I looked at the pile of laundry and thought about the dishes in the sink. After seeing the laundry and thinking about dirty dishes, a barrage of other tasks I needed to get done came at me. AHHH!!! I texted the teacher i work with and said that I needed to take a mental health day. And so I've been crossing things off my list. Funny thing about that is that once you cross some off, you think of more. Progress has been made but more have been pretty much my list is the same length as I started. Time to bring in the reinforcements!!

I have to remember, I need to focus on the Lord and He will help me get things down and help me feel more at peace...sometimes I forget that He is even there with me when I am doing my dishes and laundry. He is not a God of disorder so if we just surrender our days, minds, times, hearts, etc. to Him, He is part of the clean-up crew and project assistant. SWEET! Also, I need to ask for help from others. People are willing but sometimes I am afraid to see if they could help me. Honestly, we need to help each other....friends are the Lord's provision in times of disorder.

Well, I will keep on plugging away!! But you will be hearing from me again soon!

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