Friday, February 25, 2011


We were meant to live in community. We were meant to look after each other, to share each others sorrows and joys, to know each others hearts, to live in unity. The Lord set it up that way for a reason. I believe He knew that we could not do it alone and that love, support, and encouragement were going to be an essential part to our well being and our ability to endure and fulfill the callings He has placed on each of our lives. But it seems that we often miss the mark and that our communities are not as the Lord intended.

This brings me some sadness....knowing that I desire to share my heart but I fear the outcome and knowing that others feel the same way as I do. So instead of seeking out ways to make true community happen, we close ourselves off and live with the belief that we are just being idealistic and this want of love shared and felt within a group of people is an impossibility. Therefore, we press on with this longing but feel paralyzed to do anything about it.

I guess the change needs to begin within ourselves. For instance, I might be the one who needs to set the example of what it looks like to share from my heart about what is going on in my heart. It will involve putting myself out there and putting my heart on the line because I don't know how it will be received. And to be honest, there is a whole bunch of fear that surfaces when I even think about doing this. I think of times I tried to share my heart before hoping it would be received with compassion and care and it was not. This leaves me feeling like I can only test the waters with a person or two before I can even think of diving into the pool.

I don't have a conclusion right now to my musings and I don't know what the Lord will do in me and through me to address this matter. I just know that when I've gotten glimpses of community like that or have even had short periods where I was in community like was good and it was Godly.

1 comment:

  1. I sit here and think about the greatest community God has called us too: community with him. All the community we have here with each other is an extension of the communion we will have one day with the Father. And so life is a search for community that will reflect his love to us and our back to him... good thoughts!
