Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Director of "My Life"

Peace. I am a big fan of peace. I love to live in peace with everyone..I am not one for confrontation. I like when things are peaceful...I am opposed to loud music and obnoxious noises. Above all, I love when my heart and mind are peaceful..those times where I have a calmness of spirit and assurance that everything is under control. Paul mentions this type of peace in Phillipians 4: 7, "And the peace that trancends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Isn't that the best kind of peace of all?? A peace that is so encompassing that we don't question it, we just allow it to take us over and make us over.

Thus far in my 27 years, it is not often that I've experienced this kind of peace. For much of my life, I gave in fully into the torment that worry and doubt offered my heart and mind. It seemed there was always one issue/matter or more that I was trying to figure out on my own and then would come up against a brick wall. This left me defeated and depressed. This warrior in the battle wanted to drop her sword and retreat. But trying to battle alone leads you to one conclusion: you can't battle alone.

The Lord was always holding out that peace that passes all understanding for me to take. He knew that He had big plans for me and that without that peace, my mind and heart would be attacked and vulnerable to the enemy. This time, more than any other time in my life, I've latched on to that peace and I am clinging to the Prince of Peace and let me tell you...I cannot even put into words the difference it has made in my life.

The Lord lovingly brought me face to face with my worries and doubts of the past and showed me how He was present, gave me answers, and showed me the way. This means that the details that will need to be figured out in the next couple years are in the hands of my amazing Father. Therefore, I choose to move forward with peace and excitement and see how everything turn out. I am the star actress in the play, "My Life," and even though I don't have the script for the next scene...BOY, I know it will be great!! I trust the script writer and surrender myself to His direction.

1 comment:

  1. I will continually pray for peace for you!! God is going to do amazing things in your life, I know it with all my heart! So yeah don't get discouraged and know that he is doing a great work in you!

    But I still think you secretly love hardcore music and when the boys play loud instruments in the Barn :)
